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Russian of the week: General Aleksandr Dvornikov

Army General DvornikovVladimir Putin has announced a new commander for Russia’s forces in Ukraine. His name is Army General Aleksandr Dvornikov. He was born in the Russian Far East on August 22 1961. We don’t have a time of birth for him. Here is his horoscope, with the hypothetical planets included:

Aleksandr DvornikovPossibly the best thing about his chart is the Sun in Leo. The Sun is the ruler of Leo, and at the same time, it is conjunct Regulus, the royal star. Here is a person who has a strong sense of self, who is proud of his accomplishments. He will gravitate towards important people, and will have more than his fair share of good luck. The Sun is also conjunct the North Node and Uranus, so he has a nature affinity with dramatic and explosive events.

Furthermore, the Sun is exactly square the Mars-Saturn midpoint. This is a person who understands death and destruction, and knows how to mete it out. In Syria he was not averse to bombing cities to achieve his military aims, and in Ukraine we can expect the same thing. Interestingly, the Soviet Union’s most celebrate general, Georgy Zhukov, also had Sun square the Mars-Saturn midpoint.

We don’t know what Dvornikov’s Moon sign is – if he was born in the morning, before around 7.30 am, it would be in Sagittarius. After this time, Capricorn.

His Mars is in Libra, the sign of its detriment. However, having Mars in Libra doesn’t mean you can’t be a good general – Irwin Rommel had Mars in this sign.

Then there’s his Venus – in Cancer, opposition Saturn. Cancer is a sign that can be sentimental, but Saturn squelches is. We have a person who is able to control his feelings, and pursuade himself that the end justifies the means.

Additionally there is Mercury in Virgo conjunct Pluto. Aleksandr Dvornikov is not a fool, and he is capable of detailed planning. And if he looks at a problem for long enough, he can work out what needs to be done.

Finally, when Dvornikov was born the hypothetical planet Vulcanus was exactly square the Aries point. For most people this isn’t a big deal – it is a collective energy, that will have mininal impact. But if you are a senior Russian general, conducting a major European war, it becomes important. Witte and Lefeldt described the Vulcanus-Aries combination as “Power, might and force”. And that’s what Dvornikov is being hired for.

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  • Andries H. Cats April 12, 2022, 12:23 pm

    I rectified without a birthtime, which is not known to me.
    I choose as birth place the City hospital.
    Rectified birth time : 18h,16m20s0
    Time zone +10 hours.
    Birth place : USSURIYSK CITY HOSP.?
    43°,48’03,0 N
    131°,56’42,0 E
    Birth day Tuesday : 22-8-1961

    Progressive aspects according the dutch Gieles min 1 systeem.

    16-Feb-2022 +10°,29’52 Asc // Merc
    24-Feb-2022 027°,17’43 Aries Asc * VERTEX (MARS – MOON )
    24-Feb-2022 003°,23’34 Libra Ven 0 Mars

    9-March-2022 -10°,29’52 Sun # Merc
    9-March-2022 016°,29’31 Pisces Moon 135 mutual Merc
    18-March-2022 023°,49’38 Gemini C–3 135 Nep
    20-March-2022 023°,49’49 Leo Drac 60 mutual C–3

    6-Apr-2022 017°,36’03 Pisces Moon 90 AR01
    9-Apr-2022 014°,00’02 Capricorn MC 135 Sun

    April 13 next: Russian offensiv Donbas?

    13-Apr-2022 017°,52’57 Pisces Maan 60 AR10
    27-Apr-2022 001°,19’49 Scorpio Merc 150 mutual C–2

    8-May-2022 018°,53’07 Pisces Moon 120 MC
    20-May-2022 006°,38’31 Aquarius C-11 150 Merc
    23-May-2022 013°,12’31 Scorpio Mars 180 AR11
    AR11 = arabic point illness.
    Ukraine 1991 timezone +2 hours.
    23-May-2022 018°,26’24 Scorpio Plu 120 mutual Asc
    1-Feb-2022 017°,46’04 Vissen Asc 120 Plu

    Dvornikov transits.

    77 anniversary WWII victory parade (May 9).

    7-May-2022 029°,22’56 Pisces Jup 60 Pars
    9-May-2022 015°,02’31 Taurus Ura 135 C-12

    I saw a photo of Dvornikov on CNN website dated January 18, 2021.

    18-Jan-2021 025°,25’59 Aries Asc 135 C-11
    18-Jan-2021 000°,00’00 Pisces Moon Nw


    18-Jan-2021 024°,46’43 Capricorn Plu 45 C—2
    18-Jan-2021 018°,53’07 Pisces Nep 120 MC

    Does annyone know what was so important on January 18, 2021.
    Has this to do with the Ukraine invasion?

    On February 24, 2022 Putin invasion speech 6 hours local time.
    MC in 30 degrees Scorpio = Sabian Halloween symbol, which is Putin’s Second House cusp in 30 degrees Scorpio.
    Pars in 22 degrees Libra which is Putin’s Neptune in 22 degrees Libra.

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