There are only a few days left in September. The planet Mercury is now in Scorpio, and this means that our thought processes may become darker and more subterranean. Rather than discuss our plans openly, we’ll want to do it behind closed doors. And sometimes our thoughts will be so unpleasant that we won’t want to talk about them. On the plus side, there will be serious thinking, and mysteries and problems can be solved.
On Monday or Tuesday the planet Saturn comes to a standstill, from the Earth’s point of view. It happens when Saturn is at 25 degrees 20 minutes Capricorn. Now that’s interesting, because at the moment of its standstill Mars will be at 25 degrees 31 Aries. In other words, there will be an exact Mars-Saturn square on Tuesday September 29. As I have said on previous occasions, this is a really difficult time, and the emphasis will be on death and destruction. It is not a time, for example, that you want to have a presidential debate.
Yet on September 29 2020, at 9 pm in Cleveland, Ohio, we have the first Presidential debate. The chart at the top of this article is set for the beginning of this debate. We can see a conjunction between the Moon and Neptune, in Pisces. This suggests that the debate will be a confusing event, with plenty of scope for obscuring the truth. It is also worth noting that the Midheaven is zero degrees 21 Aquarius – the degree of the Jupiter-Saturn conjunction on December 21 2020. In fact, the conjunction takes place at 0 29 Aquarius. This means that the debate is somewhat symbolic of the changes that will be taking place in America over the next year or two.
However, it may be that the debate doesn’t matter – it simply coincides with the Mars-Saturn square. This square is nasty, and as I have mentioned in previous articles, it hits Donald Trump’s natal Venus. Venus is not just the planet of women, it is also the planet of money, and it is significant that information about his tax returns has come out just as the Mars-Saturn aspect became exact. Regardless of whether Trump wins or loses the debate, the Mars-Saturn aspect shows us that the damage has been done.
At this stage, I want to revisit a horary question I asked in early May. The question was “Will Donald Trump get re-elected to the White House in November?”. Here’s the chart:

Donald Trump is signified by the Moon, as ruler of the Tenth House of leadership. The Moon is placed in Scorpio, and is moving to an opposition of the Sun. I took this as a clear sign that he was going to lose in November, assuming he stood. The Sun was in the Second House, which I took as the nation’s finances. However, with the latest news it seems that his finances, and his tax returns, have a bearing on the situation, and will contribute to his downfall.
You are spot on regarding the debate archie!it was in disarray and argumentative!(Mars square Saturn square)clearly wasn’t the ideal time for the debate
Rahul, thanks for reading the article! I wasn’t particularly precise, but the confusion was clearly there. Though I suppose no-one got killed!