I know virtually nothing about the Kardashians, except that they are a rich American family, who have made a lot of money from reality TV. The most famous Kardashian is apparently called Kim, and she was born on October 21 1980, at 10.46 am in Los Angeles. Here is her horoscope:

It’s appropriate that Kim Kardashian has the Sun in Libra. This is a very sociable placement, though it can sometimes lack depth – skimming along the surface, moving from one social interaction to another. But what really stands out is her Jupiter. It is at 28 degrees 52 minutes Virgo, exactly on the Midheaven. It is conjunct Saturn, which is at 3 degrees 41 Libra.
Jupiter is in Virgo, the sign of its detriment. People with Jupiter in Virgo sometimes miss the big picture – they can be ambitious and forward-looking just for the sake of it, and can perhaps get side-tracked by material details. Yet Jupiter is a benefic, and it is right on the Midheaven. So there was never any reason why she couldn’t be successful.
Having said all that, it may be that Saturn is the real key to Kim Kardashian’s success. Her Saturn is in Libra, the sign of its exaltation. Furthermore, it is a daytime planet in a day time chart about the horizon. It is also a masculine planet in a masculine sign. Her Saturn is therefore very strong, and is signfies someone who knows what it takes to be successful.
In terms of this article, what I really want to focus on is the Jupiter-Saturn conjunction. Forty years ago, in the early 1980s, there was a Jupiter-Saturn conjunction, in Libra. From a geocentric perspective, the conjunction happened three times: December 31 1980, March 4 1981 and July 24 1981. However, it was operational from October 1980 through to September 1981.
Those born at the time of the 1980 to 1981 Jupiter-Saturn conjunction were in their late teens in the year 2000. For reality TV it was an important year, at least in the United Kingdom. The first series of the UK Big Brother launched on July 14 2000, just two months after another Jupiter Saturn conjunction, which took place on May 28 2000. This underlines the point that Jupiter and Saturn have a 20 year cycle – every 20 years the two planets form a conjunction. And if you’re born close to a Jupiter-Saturn conjunction, like Kim Kardashian, you may be very sensitive to the cycle. An extreme example of this sensitivity was the singer John Lennon. He was born in 1940, a few months after a Jupiter-Saturn conjunction. He became famous in the wake of the 1961 conjunction, and he was murdered a few weeks before the 1980 conjunction.
The May 28 2000 Jupiter-Saturn conjunction marked the beginning of a 20 year cycle, ending on December 21 2020. As we now know, the internet, social media and reality TV have been important features of this cycle. There is the idea that anyone can be a star, and that you can be famous just because you are famous. An ordinary person can be on reality TV, or have their own Youtube channel, and can be catapulted to stardom. At least that’s the theory.
In a UK context, the most famous and enduring reality TV star was Jade Goody. OK, people might not have heard of her now, but fifteen years ago she was major. An ordinary working class girl, she came second in the 2002 series of Big Brother. Part of her selling point was her guileless ignorance – for example thinking that Saddam Hussein was a boxer. And she seemed to demonstrate that anyone, regardless of background or education, could become a star.
Jade Goodie was a Gemini, born on June 5 1981. Another Jupiter-Saturn baby, with her Jupiter and Saturn respectively at 0 33 and 3 0 Libra. Her story was inspirational but also tragic, and she lived and died in the spotlight. While on Celebrity Big Brother 5, in 2007, she made racist remarks about another contestant, from India. In 2008, as a kind of redemption, she appeared on the Indian version of Big Brother, Bigg Boss, and during the show she found out that she had cancer of the cervix. It soon emerged that the cancer was terminal and she married her boyfriend in February 2009, a month before her death, in a very public ceremony. OK! magazine paid around £700,000 for access to the wedding, and produced a Jade Goody tribute edition.
The day Jade Goody died, March 22 2009, Jupiter and Saturn were exactly 150 degrees apart. This underlines the fact that Jade Goody’s life was strongly associated with the Jupiter-Saturn cycle. The conjunction brought her huge success, and the 150 degree aspect symbolized her death. The cameras were still running and the whole of the UK knew what was going on – the tribute edition of OK! came out while Jade Goody was still alive but nonetheless had her dates, 1981 to 2009, on the front cover.
Paris Hilton is another person born in 1981. To be precise, she was born on February 17 1981, at 2.30 am in New York. The horoscope is below:

Paris Hilton, like Jade Goody, was a big star in the first decade of the Twentieth Century, and reality TV was part of her portfolio. Of course she was helped by her family connection with Hilton Hotels. Yet her fame had a lot to do with the fact that she was famous. And if you compare Paris Hilton and Kim Kardashian’s horoscopes, there are some interesting similaries. Both have Sagittarius rising – Kim Kardashian’s ascendant is at 13 44 of the sign, Paris Hilton’s at 15 49. And they both have a Jupiter-Saturn conjunction on the Midheaven. In fact, Paris Hilton has a super-close conjunction, with her Jupiter and Saturn being only 30 minutes apart.
Another thing Paris Hilton and Kim Kardashian have in common is that they both have the Sun conjunct the Venus-Mars midpoint. In Paris Hilton’s case the conjunction is within 78 minutes, in Kim Kardashian’s case 17 minutes. The immediate interpretation of this aspect is “sex appeal”, or perhaps making effective use of one’s sexuality. In this light, the two women have a shared experience. In 2003 a tape of Paris Hilton having sex was released, and in 2007 the same thing happened to Kim Kardashian. In terms of their careers, it didn’t do them any harm.
However, things are changing. The Jupiter-Saturn cycle that started in May 2000 finishes on December 21 2020, when the two planets form a conjunction at zero degrees Aquarius. The rules are going to change and the old strategies for success are unlikely to be successful. It seems that Kim Kardashian anticipates this, at least on an unconscious level. It has been announced that her family’s show, Keeping up with the Kardashians, is coming to an end in 2021. The show itself started on October 14 2007, when the Sun was in Libra, and it has therefore had a thirteen year run. This is the approximate chart of the first show – I don’t know the time or the place:

The Libra Sun tells us that the show is about style and appearance, and the close Venus-Saturn conjunction is about something tighty controlled and choreographed. It also reminds us that the show is about making money. Jupiter is at 16 Sagittarius, close to Kim Kardashian’s ascendant, at 13 44 Sagittarius. It was a lucky time for her!
Yet the zeitgeist is shifting. Reality TV, and the social media culture, is about to end – at least as we know it. In December 2020 the Jupiter-Saturn conjunction happens, in the sign Aquarius. As I mentioned in a previous article, Aquarius is the anti-Leo. It is a sign ruled by Saturn, and it is antithetical to the concept of being famous for the sake of being famous. If you want to be famous, there has to be a reason. Indeed, the question will be asked, “why are you more special than me?”. Or put another way, style will have to give way to substance.
Missed the previous article. Really interesting.