Prince Charles has just been diagnosed with COVID-19. Is this going to show up in his horoscope? When you have a mass disaster, everyone gets affected, and it becomes something collective. Think of the first day of the Battle of the Somme, on July 1 1916. The British casulaties were huge: 57,470 wounded, 19,240 killed. If we looked at the horoscope of every British soldier killed, do you think we would find anything interesting? By chance, we should find a few who had perfect signatures of death, but overall, the exercise would be futile. The Battle of the Somme was not about the individual, it was about the collective, and the only charts that might have been useful were the charts of the UK, or perhaps the charts of the regiments involved in the fighting.
Another famous disaster was the sinking of the Titanic, on April 15 1912. One interesting feature of this disaster is that we have a passenger list. I was able to download this list, and it gave me basic data on 1,310 of the 1,317 passengers. The list doesn’t given me the dates of birth, but it does give me their ages. We can create a histogram of these ages:

As you can see, the Titanic passengers were of all ages, the youngest being a two-month old baby girl travelling in Third Class, the oldest an eighty-year old woman travelling in First. They both survived, by the way. The passengers on the Titanic were a diverse group, in terms of a age, gender and wealth – more diverse than those who died at on the first day of the Somme.
However, I would argue that the 1,317 passengers formed a collective, and had a collective destiny. And their individual horoscopes may have been saying very little about their destiny. Yet I do believe that we can use astrological principles to understand this destiny. If you look at the histogram, you will notice that most of the passengers were young – they were in their twenties, going to American to find their fortune. We can go further, and find the average age of the passengers. It was 29.8811, or twenty-nine years and eleven months. This contrasts with the orbital period of Saturn , which is 29.457 years.
We can therefore say that the passengers on the Titanic were experiencing a collective Saturn return. This is the point where Saturn returns to the position it was when we were born. So actually, the collective would have had their Saturn Return five months earlier, in November 1911. A group of people, all over Europe and America, making travel plans, and perhaps responding to big realizations about their life and future. In particular, young people deciding that it is time to make the big journey.
Now we can create a collective birthdate. We multiply 29.8811 by 365.25, to give us the age in days, which is 10914.06, and then we subtract those days from April 10 1912, which is when the Titanic started its voyage. This gives us a date of May 21 1881, as the collective birthday of everyone on the Titanic. We can set up a chart for this date – though because it is collective, and there are major doubts about its accuracy, we should not place too much emphasis on the inner planets. It is Jupiter and beyond that we are interested in:

We can see that as a collective, the passengers had a Jupiter-Saturn conjunction in Taurus. They were practical and understood the importance of hard work. Yet Jupiter at 9 Taurus made an exact trine to Uranus. The collective valued their freedom, and as the Titanic set sale for the New World, there must have been a great sense of excitement.
Jupiter, at 9 degrees 25 minutes Taurus, is conjunct the Saturn-Neptune midpoint, which is at 10 degrees 11 minutes Taurus. This Jupiter on the Saturn-Neptune midpoint is the hint that something was wrong. It represents fear, and perhaps limitations (Saturn) coming through the sea (Neptune). Jupiter is also the planet of release – and very often the final release, of death. The Saturn-Neptune midpoint is where the Jupiter energy is at its most powerful, and the solar arc directed Saturn-Neptune mipoint was at 9 degrees 45 minutes Gemini on April 15 1912, the day of the sinking. In other words, exactly square the collective birth chart’s Uranus, at 9 degrees 38 minutes Virgo. Uranus is the planet of accidents and disaster, and this is the point where the expansive optimism of the passenger’s collective consciousness came to a grinding and watery halt.
As for the COVID-19 disaster, I don’t have the passenger list of the good ship United Kingdom, and I can’t construct a collective chart for its population. As far as Prince Charles is concerned, he is the heir to the British throne, so perhaps the Universe considers him more important than most other people. As Calpurnia said in Julius Caesar:
Thanks. Especially in a culture of hyper-individualism, it is helpful when the astrological community is reminded to apply the “Excalibur (1981)” principle to collective events. “The king and the land are one.”
I don’t think the article has been accepted without criticism. It is possible/probably the 29.88 years was a coincidence – and it wasn’t exactly on the Saturn return number (around 29.5). And a lot of people are going to be unhappy about the idea of Prince Charles being given special treatment by the universe.
After reading your post, I came across a NYT article that reflects on the incomplete explanation of why certain big cities have fewer or more cases than others.
Here’s a snippet: “The west coast of the United States also is puzzling, he added. Los Angeles and San Francisco “must have had multiple introductions” of the virus, he said. But the California cases have been concentrated in the Silicon Valley area and are nowhere near as numerous as the cases in Seattle.
It occurred to me that it might be interesting to apply the Excalibur principle to specific cities–using incumbent mayors’ horoscopes or city incorporation dates, or both.